Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"The Victorian Queen"

Lakedra "Raquel" Reed
 During the reign of Queen Victoria  of The United Kingdom of Great Britain from 1837-1901, Haute Couture was ideal and eminent among wealthy people. In 1857 Charles Worth an Englishman, contrived a  fashion house at 7 Rue de la Paix in Paris. By 1858, he created a collection of clothes and displayed them on live models. This was the conception of what we now experience when attending fashion shows. Prior to this brilliant concept, fashion design was proposed by the client.
  Soft, pastel shades were the hues worn in the early period of the Victorian Era. Patterns were elegant and stylish, all constructed to maintain the femininity of the woman. There were certain clothing styles and mannerisms that were observed during this period. In the early period of the Victorian Era, the silhouette for the woman was more of the modest kind.Victorian fashion was thus quite elaborate as far as women’s clothing was concerned. Victorian clothing is still very much popular and the basics have been woven into new modern designs to create contemporary attire! This brings us forward to the Victorian Queen.
Like the Mississippi Delta/Chicago itself, LaKedra Reed entered the fashion world with rich, raw talent and materials that manifest themselves into the creations known as “Raquel”.  
LaKedra’s learned background in fashion comes from the Fashion Merchandising curriculum at the University of Southern Mississippi.  The program itself was not designed for artists and designers but rather for the marketing aspects of design.  Knowing this, she undertook the apprenticeship of Hattiesburg seamstress Alesha Barnes for two years.   Here, she learned the skill of sewing women’s apparel which gave way to the birth the “Raquel” line in 2004. 
After graduating, LaKedra relocated to Atlanta, GA where she has been living for 7 years.  She founded the company Couture Statis, LLC under which the Raquel by Lakedra Reed line resides.  Her designs have been showcased in numerous shows, publications, and movies in which she has garnered acclaim.  Most notably, the production of her “Victorian in the 21st Century” won her product placements in boutiques throughout the metro area. 
Atlanta has seen the tempering of a designer who uses lush fabrics, flattering lines, and an element of unpredictability to attract a diverse following.  She is vocal about her Chanel-inspired approach while creating women’s apparel that accentuates a woman’s natural beauty.  As LaKedra continues to grow as a human and artist, she manages to balance classic beauty and risk with grace.  Innovative design techniques and a thirst for personal and professional growth are what define LaKedra “Raquel” Reed.

Candid Interview with Ms. Reed
KN:    As an artist what inspires your designs?

LR:Each and everything that comes to mind…. I might see something in the streets or just  visualize something in my mind and I start working.

KN:   Do you have a muse?

LR: No not all… I will know when that particular human form of walking art will appear and then I will see RAQUEL all in her. That is when the MUSE will appear. 

KN:  How does color and texture play a part in your design process?
LR: Well I would say it just depends on the moods I’m in… then that is when it plays out for others to see…  Texture is not really a concern right now for me… if it feels good and lay right; I go with it.

KN: What would you rate your illustration skills?

LR: I’m not an illustrator so there is no rate…. I usually just go right to the sewing machine and start the designing process….

KN: If you can revisit a Fashion Era other than the Victorian period, which would you revisit and why?
LR: I would revisit the 80’s; that decade of fashion was the beginning of new innovation, anything you could name played a part in fashion….

KN:  Do you have a fashion mentor and if so who?
LR: No I do not have a fashion mentor at this moment but I revisit Chanel from time to time….

What is your prediction for the fashion industry within the next 20 years?
LR: My prediction for fashion in the next 20 years???? RAQUEL will be on top and considered one of the greats in the fashion industry.

KN:   What country would you consider as a fashion mecca?

LR: Paris….

KN:  How do you plan to evolve fashion?
LR: Continuing to put my best foot forth and treating every project, every client, every collection, every show as my last…. 

KN:    At would age did you discover your design talent?

LR: I was about 11….

KN: What is up next for Couture Statis LLC?
LR: Well the company is quite productive and it will continue to grow… As always we will push RAQUEL in the direction it needs to be in… As well as the dog wear (CANDI) and swimwear (RAAQ) and continue to take on other venues and just continue growing the company.

How did you develop the name for your line?
LR: It actually a funny story… I had a class project in high school to start up a company and my group chose a clothing store. So my Spanish name was Raquel and my middle name is short  for Rachel in Spanish so we named it RAQUEL and I just stuck to it; and here we are…

KN:   How have you transformed from when you received your degree until presently?
LR: A lot has changed I’m thankful and I am in a better place.
     KN:   Do you think fashion is art?
LR: Most definitely …..

KN:   Lip stick or lipgloss?

KN: What is your personal style?
LR: I always say; “You should wake up and dress how you feel today”……

And this concludes our Interview! Hope you enjoyed :) Kela


Contact Info for Lakedra Reed:

 " A Victorian Tea Party" 
@ House of Adrene in Atlanta

Me:Kela Norman backstage getting pictures before the show






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